
EMDR is one of the weirdest forms of therapy that there is out there. It incorporates eye movements in our therapeutic processing. Now how in the world can eye movements help us to process what is going on in our psyche and make us feel better? Well, the brain is very mysterious and we will continue to learn about its magnificent workings indefinitely. Relative to EMDR, which stands for eye movement desensitization reprocessing, we are utilizing the brain’s natural process for processing and integrating information. How?

Have you ever heard of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep? REM sleep occurs in our natural sleep cycle, particularly in our deepest sleep and dream states, where our eyes move back and forth behind closed lids. This natural movement is seen by scientists to be the brain’s way of processing and integrating information/sensory data from the day or previous events. While the exact mechanisms underlying EMDR are not yet fully understood, some theories suggest that the bilateral stimulation used in EMDR may facilitate the brain's natural information processing mechanisms, allowing traumatic memories to be integrated more effectively.

EMDR uses this natural system consciously as a technique in therapy to help clients work through and process the pieces of their experience that are currently active in the brain and creating distress or disturbance. I know…it is weird, right?! So in session, we go through brief sets of eye movements with short breaks to track data pieces to help you integrate information and balance your perceptions. When information is balanced/integrated, we are simply no longer triggered or disturbed by certain perceptions, images, memories, sounds, sensations, etc. EMDR does not erase or help us forget memories; it simply allows us to recall events/memories without feeling distressed by them. 

For more info on EMDR, click here to visit the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA).